

Dear business partners!

As you can see from the press release of 14 June 2022 from the Federal Government, the fiduciary of GAZPROM Germania GmbH and thus also of WINGAS will be extended beyond 30 September 2022. Specifically, the fiduciary is to be aligned more closely with the requirements of security of energy supply and ordered on the basis of the amended Energy Security Act (Section 17 EnSiG).

In addition to extending the fiduciary administration, the German government is providing the company with a KfW loan with the aim of securing the liquidity of the group and thus the energy supply in Germany and Europe.

Moreover, GAZPROM Germania GmbH will be renamed and will operate under the name „SEFE Securing Energy for Europe GmbH“ in the future.

WINGAS is looking positively to the future with the decisions taken by the German government. Our primary objective remains to secure supplies for our customers and to fulfil our contractual delivery obligations.

Your WINGAS contact persons are still available for a personal exchange.

Your WINGAS team

Your contact

Königstor 20
34117 Kassel
Phone: +49 (0) 561 99858-0
E-mail: presse[at]